Friday, February 24, 2012

Coming Soon . . .

So excited - this transformation is soo close to being finished, I can't wait! We've been working on this project for a couple months now and should be finished by next week!

Friday, February 17, 2012

This is too cute not to post.

from here

I was on Pinterest the other day and came across this very cute idea on turning your paint samples into this adorable Easter Egg Garland. What a cute idea for the kids to do. And not to mention, but it is super cheap (well okay it is free). I am totally guilty of taking my fair share of those colorful little samples. I have even passed that paint sample addiction on to my kids (shhh). Hey, don't judge, I know you all take way to many too. :)

So, guess what cute and easy project is on my to do list before Easter comes around?
